De poëtische tekst van Willem Wits over ‘Angels of the North’ prachtig vertaald in het Engels door mijn broer Hendrik van Oordt.
When I close my eyes and try to imagine Angels of the North, vast beings rise up before me, chilling and aloof in their grandeur. Yet beneath their outer layer of frosty shades, the Angels of the North to whom Hetty van Oordt introduces us reveal an extremely lively, warm and cheerful world. These pictures take the viewer on a journey to a mysterious place outside of time where the reality of an Arctic trip is transformed into something gentle and wondrous.
It is only in the final images, where boiling waves and ice clash in a primeval battle, that there is a palpable sense of danger. And suddenly we realise that the fragile, swirling and sometimes puny life in the other photographs may be swallowed up at any time by the hidden forces of darkness. Daunting.
Willem Wits, Amsterdam, October 2014
Catalogue 21×21 cm can be ordered at Fotogalerie Utrecht or directly by mail Hetty van Oordt (see contactinformation on the bottom of eacht site-page). Costs 10 euro excl. shipping. Please ask for shipping costs.